Thursday, December 11, 2014

Three World History Questions for you

After the plague first hit, how might humans respond to a deadly epidemic that they did not understand?

In Europe, some people turned to religion because they saw the disease as a punishment from God:

Some turned to hedonism foolishly thinking that since it was most likely that they would die, they’d would like to die in pleasure.

Wanderers, called flagellants, travelled throughout Europe scourging themselves with flails to appease the wrath of God called

People looked for someone to blame; the Jews became their target and their communities were raided. But the Jewish communities were hit too, though maybe not as badly because of their hygienic practices.

What are some long-term effects of such an epidemic?

Some of the long terms effects of the Black Plague are:

Labor shortage led to famines.

Then with this same labor shortage workers found out that their labor was worth more.

The nobility died along with the poor and so they could not maintain their “lock on wealth as easilu” as Dr. Favello said, causing social redistribution and a rise in the middle class.

Mass exoduses of people fleeing the plague led caused population redistribution.

Since the church was unable to stop the catastrophic disease and the government was unable to provide basic necessities to the people religious and political unrest and dissension arose.

How could the selling of indulgences be abused?

There are so many ways indulgences could be abused many of which you all have already stated. I would simply like to point out that the very essence of indulgences is unbiblical and is therefore is abusive.

If you have different answers to theses questions or anything to add to this discussion please feel free to comment! 

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