Monday, June 8, 2015

Book Review: The Sacrifice

I got this book second hand, but still enjoyed it thoroughly!

A little about the book:

"In the year 1692, life changes forever for ten-year-old Abigail Faulkner and her family. In Salem, Massachusetts, witches have been found, and widespread fear and panic reign mere miles from Abigail's home of Andover. When two girls are brought from Salem to identify witches in Andover, suspicion sweeps the town as well-respected members of the community are accused of witchcraft. It isn't long before chaos consumes Andover, and the Faulkners find themselves in the center of it all when friend turns themselves in the center of it all when friend turns against friend, neighbor against neighbor, in a desperate fight for the truth. At the heart of this gripping story are Abigail and her sister, Dorothy, who together must find a way to persevere during a period marked by terror, adversity, and ignorance. 
Told from Abigail's point of view and based on actual events in the author's own family histoy, The Sacrifice offers a unique perspective of the Salem witch trials by delving into the devestating effects the trials had not just in Salem but throughout Massachusetts."

What I really enjoyed:
This book really put into the perspective the "hardships" I imagine I have in my life. This is the story of CHILDREN who are accused of witchcraft and condemned to horrible conditions.

The ultimate decision of the mother, and children demonstrates the true UNWAVERING love of a mother for her children.

This is the tale of Sacrifice. It demonstrates the importance of truth and justice and the ramifications of the loss of both in a society.

While this story written in a easy to read way for younger readers, but it holds such deep ideas that older readers will definitely enjoy it! I think it would be wonderful for a family or class discussion.

Who I'd recommend this book to: 
While some hard topics are covered in this book, the reading is super easy. Thus I would suggest it for Pre-Teens and Younger Teens.

You can purchase it HERE!

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